RDSA Infrastructure Prioritisation
RDSA launched its five yearly update to the RDSA Infrastructure Prioritisation in January 2024- a comprehensive look at Regional South Australia through the eyes of the independent RDA Boards.
- Mount Barker Wastewater Reuse Infrastructure
- Critical Infrastructure to Support Phase One Establishment of Concordia Development
- Flood Protection and Water Proofing for Gawler
- Hydrogen Jobs Plan and Port Bonython Hydrogen Hub
- Northern Water Project
- Cape Hardy Industrial Precinct and Port
- Southern Desalination Plant and Distribution Network Upgrade
- Thevenard Port Expansion and Efficiences
- Quorn Town Water Supply
- Multispecies Livestock Transhipping Hub
- Regional telecommunications connectivity upgrades
- Mount Gambier Saleywards and Industrial Estate
- Upgrades to Green Triangle road network
- Upgrade of drainage network infrastructure in the Limestone Coast
- South-Eastern Freeway Freight Route
- Hydrogen and Biomethane Renewable Hubs
- Riverland Sustainable Growth Precinct
- Complete and implement master planning for Provincial Cities
- Port Pirie Southwest Housing Project
- Braemar Infrastructure Corridor
- Barossa New Water & Clare Valley New Water
- Augusta Highway Upgrades
To view details of each of the 64 priority projects visit https://regionaldevelopmentsa.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/RDSA-2023-Infrastructure-Prioritisation-Report_Final_Combined.pdf.