
Regional Development South Australia

Image: Naiko Retreat, Fleurieu Peninsula

How We Work

RDA Boards in South Australia (SA) are a unique tripartite partnership between the Australian and SA Governments, and the Local Government Association of South Australia on behalf of its members. They are administered by the Australian Government’s Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications, the Department of Primary Industries and Regions SA (PIRSA), and the Local Government Association of South Australia.

We also maintain a seperate peak body Regional Development South Australia under an Independent Chair Hon Rob Kerin and details of these join initiatives, supported administratively through RDA Adelaide, can be found at www.regionaldevelopmentsa.com.au.

In SA there are eight RDA Boards covering all areas of the state including metropolitan Adelaide. SA’s unique funding model includes substantial financial contributions by all three levels of government, as well as in-kind support and cooperation.

Under the RDA charter, SA RDA Boards are responsible for:

  • providing independent advice to all three levels of government on critical issues affecting their regions
  • collaborating with relevant stakeholders to identify economic opportunities and leverage private and public sector investment to their regions
  • connecting regional businesses, councils and industry sectors with international trade partners, financial markets and potential investors
  • working closely with community leaders to identify funding sources and develop project proposals to support economic growth
  • providing assistance to local communities to develop project proposals to support economic growth
  • promoting awareness of government programs in the RDA community
  • Some RDA Boards in SA also deliver a range of services and programs on behalf of other state and Australian Government departments.
  • Further information can be found at the South Australian Department of Primary Industries and Regions website and the Local Government Association of South Australia website.

Some RDA Boards in SA also deliver a range of services and programs on behalf of other state and Australian Government departments.

Further information can be found at the South Australian Department of Primary Industries and Regions website and the Local Government Association of South Australia website.


RDA South Australia is divided up into eight geographical regions. To view these regions please visit the map below:


Each of the eight RDA regions have their own Boards, teams and business plans that they strategically deliver to, to strengthen their region and assist in its economic growth.

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