Regional Development Australia Adelaide
Regional Development Australia (RDA) is a national government initiative that seeks to strengthen and grow the regions and has been setup as a partnership between the Australian, state and territory and local governments.
Within South Australia there are eight RDA Boards, consisting of RDA Adelaide, and seven regional entities: RDA Barossa, RDA Far North, RDA Hills and Coasts, RDA Limestone Coast, RDA Murraylands & Riverland, RDA Yorke and Mid North, and RDA Eyre Peninsula.
RDA Adelaide is funded only by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications, with a direct Commonwealth Government reporting relationship. It seeks to create economic development growth across the whole of regional South Australia as supporting opportunities within and across the seven other South Australian RDA regions.
A vibrant and prosperous regional South Australia with strong connections to its Capital City that enables world-leading social, economic and environmental living conditions for all of our regional communities
To strengthen regional South Australia by fostering positive and productive relationships and engagement between the South Australian RDA’s; different levels of government; industry; academia and community
Featured Projects
Regional SA Blueprint
RDA Adelaide co-ordinates a Regional SA Blueprint which identifies the year on year movement of the Regional Investment Pipeline as well as the regional priorities for South Australia. The latest version can be found at
RDSA Infrastructure Prioritisation
RDSA launched its five yearly update to the RDSA Infrastructure Prioritisation in January 2024- a comprehensive look at Regional South Australia through the eyes of the independent RDA Boards. To view details of each of the 64 priority projects visit
Regional Summit
To promote the key regional issues and engage stakeholders in the development of place based solutions, including feeding into Federal Government policy and program frameworks, Regional Development Australia Adelaide has agreed to coordinate, create and deliver an annual summit for the RDA South Australia network.
News & Events
Regional Development Australia
- The WA Wheatbelt Secondary Freight Network has been included in the Infrastructure Priority List 2020
- RDA Tasmania – local voices plan Smithton’s future workforce
- RDA Far West NSW – bringing university to town in regional NSW
- RDA Orana NSW – export support for expanding mining, energy and resource businesses in regional NSW