
Media Releases

Do you love working for a value-based organisation supporting economic and regional development? RDA Adelaide is recruiting for an exceptional individual to lead our organisation. Regional Development Australia Adelaide is funded by the Commonwealth Government to raise the profile of regional South Australia and promote economic development across all of regional South Australia.  RDA’s aim

Projects & Communications Officer (0.5FTE) Work from home options available, we encourage applicants from across South Australia. Regional Development Australia Adelaide is funded by the Commonwealth Government to raise the profile of the regional South Australia and promote economic development. We are looking for a skilled professional to assist the CEO in the promotion of

On Wednesday 5 June 2024 Hon Clare Scriven MLC Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development and Regional Development South Australia hosted a cross section of the 1318 participants who undertook the Regional Leadership Development Program over the last 18 months.  Participants from all parts of the State including Port Lincoln, Copley and Mount Gambier

Population and Prosperity Regional Population Growth for South Australia – making it happen Friday 22nd September at the Terrace Function Centre Gawler Racecourse Government, business, industry and community leaders came together recently to discuss harnessing the forward investment pipeline through growing SA’s regional population. This followed RDSA’s last two summits which focused on workforce and housing.

Regional Blueprint reveals $62.56 Billion Regional Investment Pipeline Regional Development Australia’s (RDA) eight South Australian branches have collaborated to produce this go to reference document for the recovery and growth of regional South Australia.  You can download here

Join your RDA – call for local leaders to drive development Would you like to give something back to your community? Are you interested in contributing to a committee of motivated locals who will focus on driving economic development in your region? Regional Development Australia (RDA) Adelaide is seeking regional leaders with vision, drive and

RDA Adelaide commissioned BDO Australia to produce a detailed economic analysis of the opportunity for increased migration to South Australia- Economic Opportunity of Migration for South Australia: Case Studies for the Hospitality and Aged Care Industries. The report found that with 290 current vacancies in December 2022 in regional SA that in addition to the

Regional Development Australia Adelaide is excited to announce that Kelly-Anne Saffin has been appointed the new Chief Executive Officer of the organisation. Kelly-Anne Saffin has spent the last 10 years as CEO of Regional Development Australia Yorke and Mid North where she was responsible for the leadership and management of the board and the delivery

Regional Development Australia Adelaide Metro is excited to announce that Chris Wood has been appointed the new Chief Executive Officer of the organization. Chris has been a senior executive for 25 years working in international trade and investment in both the private and public sectors. He was based in Japan as a Diplomat and Trade

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