
Regional Development South Australia is working with Operation Grain Harvest Assist to find workers in regions

Operation Grain Harvest Assist (OGHA), in conjunction with Grain Producers Australia has put out a call to former ADF (Australian Defence Force) personnel to consider grain/harvest work to assist with the shortfall in workers due to COVID-19.

OGHA is led in South Australia by Peter Neuhaus, who is known in the Defence space, to call upon veterans, family and friends to consider seasonal work. With grain harvest underway, and the lack of seasonal workers highly evident, the callout to veterans was a viable opportunity.

Karen Raffen, CEO of RDA Adelaide Metro commented “We were approached by Peter, who had just been appointed for OGHA South Australia. He saw that RDA was already well established in regions and felt that with his connections in the defence space, and our knowledge of employers desperate for workers in region, that it would be a great fit to reach out to veterans”

For more information and to register for seasonal work in regional South Australia, click below or head to https://regionalwork.sa.gov.au

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